
Have a look at a small selection of our work on the mobility of tomorrow. 




Hamburg aims to provide all residents with a suitable mobility offer within five minutes by 2030. To achieve this goal, the city plans to introduce a flexible shuttle service with autonomous vehicles as a complement to the traditional public transportation system. The research project ALIKE should be the first to integrate a fleet of fully electric and autonomous shuttles into public transportation. These shuttles, the HOLON Mover and the ID. Buzz AD from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, are equipped with a self-driving system from Mobileye. The launch of the autonomous ride-pooling service, operated by Hamburger Hochbahn and MOIA, will start in 2025. ALIKE pave the way for the scaling of autonomous mobility. As part of the ALIKE project, we coordinate the sub-project for managing political tasks.

Tim Knutzen Team lead Grants management and project management

Tim Knutzen

Team lead

Yunus Ouarghi Project Manager Grants management and project management

Yunus Ouarghi

Project Manager

hvv hop on-demand shuttle project ahoi in Hamburg

Photo: VHH/Wolfgang Köhler


The project ahoi focuses on autonomous on-demand mobility services that enable people to use means of transportation according to individual needs and at the same time bundle trips. This helps to relieve traffic congestion and promotes environmentally friendly mobility solutions. ahoi will be one of the first services in Europe in which the operational concept combines manual and autonomous vehicles, while taking into account accessibility for all population groups and seamless integration into public transport. We are leading the working group on accessibility in the project.

Herbert Hartung Project Manager Grants management and project management

Herbert Hartung

Project Manager

Yunus Ouarghi Project Manager Grants management and project management

Yunus Ouarghi

Project Manager

German model region for mobility TAVF route Hamburg

Photo: TAVF-Geschäftsstelle

German model region for mobility 

As part of the memorandum of understanding between Hamburg and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport of Germany the metropolitan region of Hamburg is to establish a new, digitised and connected urban mobility system that is transferable to other German cities and regions.

We are responsible for the organisation of the advisory board meetings of the model region.

Dr. Johannes Lauer Team lead Portfolio management

Dr. Johannes Lauer

Team lead

Project MODI in Hamburg


The project MODI adresses the shortage of driving personnel in a fast-growing logistics industry as well as road safety. As a European lighthouse project, MODI aims to accelerate the introduction of highly automated and connected driving in heavy-duty traffic to improve European logistics chains. We are responsible for the use case Germany in which the focus is on the transition from highly automated to manual driving scenarios.

Tim Knutzen Team lead Grants management and project management

Tim Knutzen

Team lead

Project Decarbomile logo


With 31 partners from ten different European countries, DECARBOMILE aims to reduce CO2 emissions on the last mile of goods transport. Over the next years, emission-reducing solutions for the last mile will be tested in the four cities of Hamburg, Logroño, Nantes and Istanbul. In the Hamburg use case goods from surrounding areas are to be transported waterborne by using electrically powered barges. The onward transport to the end customer will be carried out by e-bikes.

Herbert Hartung Project Manager Grants management and project management

Herbert Hartung

Project Manager

Elmo at german unity day 2023

German festival of unity 2023 in Hamburg

The festival celebrating German Unity Day took place on October 2nd and 3rd in Hamburg. Together with the Ministry of Transport and Mobility Transition Hamburg, Hamburger Hochbahn AG, hvv and Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein we implemented a diverse programme of mobility experiences for the public by illustrating the topic of mobility transition and inviting visitors to take an inspiring look into the future.

Maria Mittermayer Senior Project Manager Communications and events

Maria Mittermayer

Senior Project Manager